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Safeguarding & Child Protection

Putting our students’ safety and wellbeing first

Please contact our safeguarding to team for support and to find out how we put our students' safety and wellbeing first.

You can also visit the Student Wellbeing page for general advice and find numbers below for out-of-hours support.

No issue is too big or small for us to help. We’re here for you. 

Find out more about Safeguarding and Child Protection at Franklin below - plus where to go for out-of-hours support. 

Contact our Safeguarding and Child Protection contact at Franklin Sixth Form College


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Franklin is Jo North, Vice Principal. The college also has several Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads who support the DSL in the day-to-day operations of the College.

You can contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads via phone or email:

Phone: 01472 875000


If you're in need of extra support, please consult our Parent Pastoral Toolkit for a databank of external support agencies and organisations. 

Get out-of-hours support

Your wellbeing is important to us at all times during the day and it's not something you can switch off after closing the college door.

If it's an evening or weekend and you feel you're at risk of harm to yourself or others e.g self-harm, suicide, physical, emotional or psychological abuse, please remember you can contact your GP and the following services for help.

Please find valuable out-of-hours details below:

Local Hospital Accident and Emergency

Walk in to department or dial 999

Serious risk or concern about self or others

Dial 101 (Non- emergency to report an incident)


Dial 999 emergency

Samaritans for people that are experiencing thoughts of low mood/ suicide

24 hours, 7 days a week

Telephone: (Free phone) 116 123

Crisis Team Harrison House (Over 18)

01472 256256

(Followed by option 3)

Young Minds Matter (CAMHS) (Under 18)

01472 252570

Rethink -   Mental Health Crisis

Social Care Services (Concerns of abuse/neglect) FFAP – Families First Access Point

Children Assessment & Safeguarding Service run the Out of Hours Service, which you can contact on 01472 326292 (option 2 - becomes emergency line after 5.00pm)



Kooth – Online counselling service

Open Minds Grimsby

01472 625100

Steps to Change (Lincolnshire)

01507 607383

Housing/Financial Issues


01472 321444


01472 326987


We’re fully committed to Safeguarding and Child Protection and promoting the wellbeing of our students


Franklin has a Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and a Prevent Policy; these can be found by following the links below:

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Prevent Policy

The College has clear objectives:

  • To provide a safe environment for children, young people and adults in which to work, learn and take part in social and recreational activity
  • To identify people who are experiencing, or likely to experience significant harm, providing support and taking appropriate action with the objective of producing positive outcomes for those people
  • To foster, promote and maintain a genuine feeling of safety throughout the College via the curriculum, pastoral support, and appropriate working practices through the promotion of a College ethos where everyone feels secure, valued and listened to
  • To act where appropriate to safeguard the person through working in partnership with other agencies
  • To educate all students and staff in safeguarding and child protection issues so that they become more aware and confident in dealing with issues relating to those matters

Discover more about the North East Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children Board here.

Please select an item below to learn more.

On 1 July 2015, the Prevent duty (section 26) of The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 came into force. This duty means that local authorities and schools/colleges have a duty to be mindful of the necessity to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.  


To stop terrorist attacks in the UK and against the nation’s interests overseas. This means to: 

  • Detect and investigate threats at the earliest possible stage 
  • Disrupt terrorist activity before it can endanger the public 
  • Prosecute those responsible wherever possible 


To strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack in the UK or against our interests overseas and so reduce our vulnerability. 


To mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack where that attack cannot be stopped. This includes work to bring a terrorist attack to an end and to increase our resilience so we can recover from its aftermath. 


To stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. 

A Committed College 

Franklin Sixth Form College is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its students. As a further education college, we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is as important as safeguarding against any other vulnerability. 

All Franklin staff are expected to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British values – including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  

We believe that students should be given the opportunity to explore diversity and understand Britain as a multi-cultural society; everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, religious belief, special need, or disability. 

As part of our commitment to safeguarding and child protection we fully support the government’s Prevent Strategy. 

Staff have completed the Department for Education’s Channel General Awareness training, a programme which focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. PREVENT is also covered in our statutory and regular updates. 

If we have a concern about a particular student and/or family, we will follow our normal safeguarding procedures. This includes discussing with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, and, where deemed necessary, with children’s social care. 

The Prevent Lead at Franklin Sixth Form College is Jo North, Vice Principal – Pastoral. Should you have any concerns about a student and/or their family please contact 

Click or tap here for further information around prevent in North East Lincolnshire. This includes resources on how to make a referral if you are worried about someone. 

Report illegal or harmful information, pictures, or videos you’ve found on the internet. 

You can report things including: 

  • Articles, images, speeches, or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence 
  • Websites made by terrorist or extremist organisations 
  • Videos of terrorist attacks 

Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism 

Combatting sexual harassment and misconduct 

As a member of the Franklin Sixth Form College community, you have the right to study and work in an environment which is free from sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. This anonymous reporting system accessible through your student portal provides the opportunity for you to make the College aware of incidents you have either experienced or witnessed. You can also make us aware of the area in college the incident took place using the zonal map.

Please remember, this is an anonymous system so any reported incidents cannot and will not be investigated due to their anonymity. Should you wish to report an incident more formally which will be investigated, please see Charlotte Morris or Darcie Harding in room 8 or a member of the safeguarding team.

We take sexual harassment and violence very seriously and adopt a zero-tolerance, whole college approach to the tacking the issue.

Please select an item below to learn more.

Risk of harm to self or others e.g. self-harm, suicidal thoughts, physical, emotional or psychological abuse. Please remember you can contact your GP following services as appropriate:

Local Hospital Accident and Emergency

Walk in to department, or dial 999

Serious risk or concern about self or others

Dial 101 ( non-emergency to report an incident)


Dial 999 

Samaritans for people that are experiencing low mood / suicidal thoughts

24 hours, 7 days a week

Email :

Telephone : 116 123

Crisis Team Harrison House (Over 18)

01472 252366

Young Minds Matter (CAMHS) (Under 18)

01472 626111

Rethink - Mental Health Crisis

Social Care Services (Concerns of abuse/neglect) FFAP – Families First Access Point

Children Assessment & Safeguarding Service run the Out of Hours Service, which you can contact on 01472 326292 (option 2 - becomes emergency line after 5.00pm)


Kooth – Online counselling service

Open Minds Grimsby

01472 625100

Steps to Change ( Louth area)


Foyer Grimsby

01472 580550


01472 321444


01472 326987

We have a broad safeguarding team at Franklin, to ensure help is always available to you when you need it. 

Please feel free to drop in to any member of the team, or email for a chat.

Charlotte Morris

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Room 3a

Darcie Harding

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Room 3a

Vicki Jones

Wellbeing and Inclusion Manager/DDSL

Room 5

Gemma Scott

Assistant Principal

Room 8

Shane Harrison

Head of Department, Level 2

Business Base

Louise Oakes

Safeguarding Team Member

Room 76

Jo North

Vice Principal

Room 8

Wendy Ellis

Deputy Principal

Room 6

Jerry Woolner

Safeguarding Governer

Peter Kennedy


As a college we aim to: 

  • Ensure that we practice safe recruitment when checking the suitability of staff, governors and volunteers to work with students
  • Raise awareness of safeguarding issues through staff training
  • Ensure procedures are in place for identifying and reporting cases or suspected cases of abuse, and/or where a student may be at risk of harm
  • Establish a safe environment in which students can learn and develop and where they feel secure and are listened to
  • Support our students to develop a safer, healthy lifestyle
  • Ensure that students know there are staff in the College whom they could approach if they are worried.

For more information, the North East Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children Board website is available by clicking here.

Student writing essay in classroom

Next steps

If you have any queries about courses, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Team. You can contact them on 01472 875004 or email for more.